Sunday, April 6, 2008

Buy Nothing confession

As I mentioned previously I am participating in Crunchy Chicken's Buy Nothing Challenge. This week I have managed to buy nothing. Before anyone thinks that I am too virtuous, I purposely avoided all stores yesterday so that I would not be tempted and as I did not buy some groceries yesterday, I will need to do this today. Here's hoping that I am able to avoid the magazine rack.

The other thing that I will need to purchase this month is a nail clipping (or as I keep calling it a mani and pedi) for both cats. I have one cat who despite many scratching post options, chooses the couch. I cannot clip her myself; the last time I tried that I had to go to emergency. She is cute, but at times a little vicious. I suppose that I could try to clip the other cat, but I've been kinda nervous ever since the other cat took a few chunks out of me when I tried to clip her. So I guess that this is my pre-confession. In an effort to save the couch both will be getting the mani and pedi. I think that I will try to set up the appointment this week.

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