Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween memories

Ohhh I've been a bad blogger. Lashings for me. I could talk about how busy I am and the like, but really that is just an excuse. However, onwards....

Halloween is quickly approaching. Although it is my favorite time of year, nowadays I find it a little depressing. While I love to dress up and as an adult I enjoy watching the trick or treaters, I do not get to do as much of it as I used to. I think that I have mentioned that live in a condo and while I initially thought that would mean hoards of children (as a kid I loved apartments, you got to get to more places, which meant more candy) but in the past I have not had any. I still buy a couple of bags of goodies, just in case, but I have always ended out bringing them to work for everyone.

My memories of Halloween are less sinister than I what I see as today's version. For me the bad house was the person who gave out apples or if you went to the dentist's house who gave out the toothbrush. As a kid it really was all about the candy, and for me apples and toothbrushes never cut it. I loved figuring out what I was going to be, designing the costume, making it. I was thrilling. The fun did stop for a while when I was a teenager (the too cool for life stage) but when I was a younger adult, once again the costumes came out and instead of going door to door it was either a house party or the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Now, if Halloween falls on a work night, I stay in usually watching a movie, hoping that one or two children will knock on my door, if it is on a weekend then I meet up with a few friends. However, it is not the same, perhaps because I am older and do not have children. No need to get depressed, I still have fun and my house is decorated but it is much quieter. Then again I seem to enjoy quiet more often.

Happy Halloween everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been an even WORSE blogger!! LOL!!

I'd like to say it's about work, and getting the new and improved fructmal site up and crocheting Xmas gifts (your blog entry inspired me!)....
but...yah...just excuses.

When I found this blog though, I though of you, so I am giving you this link:

Her sewing tastes (and apparent love of getting her hair done) reminded me of you!

Type to ya later,