Wednesday, June 18, 2008

summer is almost here

Well summer is about to arrive. Here on the west coast it has been seasonally cool, and I for one have been having mixed feelings about this. Yes I want summer and the sun, especially for the farmers, of which I am happily surrounded by. But on a personal, physical level...I have to admit that summer is not my favorite time of the year. I do not do well in the heat, I get crabby and snarky. I just cannot get cool or comfortable. Really there are only so many pieces of clothing that I can take off before others begin to complain and long ago I decided that I would not buy or use an airconditioner at my place. Additionally, I am naturally pale, actually I like a ghost I am so white. I do not tan, I burn. I am either ghosty white or bright read. There is no happy medium. While people nowadays are careful to slather on the sunscreen, it has always been a part of my life, with the exception of a couple of summers during my teenage years when I attempted to tan.

I have been trying to spend more time outdoors; not only do I want to spend more time with nature, but I also want to ensure that I spend less time in front of the computer. So far it has been pretty good. Again with the cooler weather, I feel much more comfortable and more inclined to be outside, even to do something as inactive as reading a book. As it gets warmer I am going to have to suck it up and go outside, and hopefully I will be able to find a shady spot.

I wonder what your favorite or least favorite season is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Favourite: Summer. Hands down..though EARLY autumn is nice. The colours are pretty, but once all the leaves fall I just want to skip winter and go straight back to summer again.

Least Fave: winter. Cold is evil.
